Book Book

Countryside getaways nestled in the New Forest

Set in the heart of the stunning New Forest National Park, just an hour and a half drive from London, and 20 minutes from the coast. The ultimate countryside getaway, just a dash from the city; perfect for those looking for a well-deserved forest escape.

Limewood 0463 R

Stay with us

Spacious rooms, surrounded by nature, with breath-taking views and beds so comfy you won't want to leave. Whisk yourself away to the countryside for an escape full of nature and nurture. 

Explore a Stay
0Jep8839 2

Tuck in

Chef Angela Hartnett and Lime Wood’s Luke Holder, with their team, create locally sourced Italian dishes with a respectful nod to the seasons. 

Explore Dining
Limewood 0112

Herb House Spa

Our spa is dedicated to natural well-being and inspired by its forest surroundings. Herb House instills a sense of calm, well-being and serenity – it’s the perfect chilling retreat.

Explore the Spa
LW Drinks Outside


Summer Sessions

We’ll be hosting a shindig or two, on our lawns, with plenty of sunshine, a glass or two of something chilled and some real talent worth slumping into a deckchair for. No need to book the Summer Sessions just swing by and join us on the South Lawn terrace. Join us from 3.30pm - 6.30pm for live music at Lime Wood. The next date is Sunday 30th June. 




Arniano Painting Retreat

We are welcoming Arniano Painting School to Lime Wood this summer for our first painting course. Designed for both beginners and more experienced painters. William does the teaching, while Amber will be working with HH&Co’s Luke Holder to cook up delicious seasonal meals from locally sourced ingredients.